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What is the daily earning now?

Started by Hersix 2014-01-28 at 03:55
11 replies to this topic
Posts: -1
guys you have promote the services to others.. just don't depend on Yougetprofit

if you promote you are getting reward as well, so just promote this, more people joins, more people buy the ad share the more money we make faster..
Posts: 263
Quote: Hersix
LOL, Thanks!
and sorry for my stupid questions

Thats not a stupid question mate , we normally ask for something we dont know isnt it ?
just ask if you have question about YGP we all here to help each other


Quote: alamest
guys you have promote the services to others.. just don't depend on Yougetprofit

if you promote you are getting reward as well, so just promote this, more people joins, more people buy the ad share the more money we make faster..



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