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Increase to autopay

Started by moneymarketing 2015-12-27 at 17:55
1 replies to this topic
Posts: 154
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I think a great and innovative feature would be the option to pay double for autopay. This is a feature that no other site would have so it might become very popular. Basically, instead of autopay just keeping the referral for one day like it does now, their autopay clicks would bump them forward by a day so that they would be increasing their expiry date.
Posts: 342
Quote: moneymarketing

I think a great and innovative feature would be the option to pay double for autopay. This is a feature that no other site would have so it might become very popular. Basically, instead of autopay just keeping the referral for one day like it does now, their autopay clicks would bump them forward by a day so that they would be increasing their expiry date.

Will request to the tech admin if this can be applied to YGP.
This is a unique feature, great idea.

Thanks, moneymarketing!!

See ya!


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