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PTP improvement suggestions

Started by SolidSnake 2014-10-16 at 01:54
2 replies to this topic
Posts: 92
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Hello there, I'm already happy with PTP advertising on YGP and I would like to make a few requests in case they are easy to implement, as they will be really helpful to anyone advertising through this option.

1. Firstly, it would be nice to see some even larger than $10 packs maybe $20 or $30 with possible discounts.
2. It would be nice to be able to limit our campaigns on a max daily credits to spend basis. (With the current system we have to do it manually every day)
3. It would also be cool to get some more info on the "Setup PTP Ads" panel.. etc.:
a. Date:ordered-expired,
b. Total/Daily Hits: total views-unique views

Also here are some bugs that maybe could be fixed there :
1. Edit button does not auto-load the "Link" field and we have to copy-paste it.
2. The Status of our ads stays "Active" even after the credits get depleted.
3. Reloading the page re-submits the form and spends additional credits.

Thanks a lot for maintaining such a good and clean advertising site!
Keep in mind that there are no limits in "Good" and "Success" as well!

Best Regards,
Posts: 342

SolidSnake , Super hello to you!

Yea, I agree to all,

We are contacting the coder actually and he is missing in action!
Hey to the coder, where are ya? lolz!

We will enhance this PTP feature.
So, in few days, this will be disabled for some improvements.

and with all sincerity, the team appreciates your support on YGP and on Twickerz!
on behalf of the team, Super thank you!

Posts: 92
Received: $2279.21200
Balance: $0.97920
Referrals: 132
Well, I'm glad to help!

Btw, if possible, it would be nice to put up an announcement when the PTP service goes down for maintenance so that we plan our campaigns accordingly.

As for getting your coder back I would recommend getting him a new automated coffee machine..
As they say...

Keep up the great work!


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