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Ptp Vs Traffic Exchanges

Started by YaGhaniYaMughni 2014-10-02 at 15:39
1 replies to this topic
Posts: 10
@Account Suspended Topic
I think it would be good idea if you provide a list traffic Exchanges that are yougetprofit Friendly.
Becase On EMS some one said he only uses Easyhits4u and TrafficG for promoting Yougetprofit and he get banned
Here is exact Reply

@ EMS user shadas
I used only 2 sites to promote - and, not autosurf. I do not claim that the site is scam or not pay. I just did not get the answer to the question why I was banned. My ticket was just closed without explanation. And the reason I can only see is PTP. I do not have referrals, other accounts, did not use a proxy or auto program. So I do not understand why the ban.
YouGetProfit VVIP
Posts: 11

Firstly, who cares what in EMS someone say. As I know that is forum of 2 scam sites.

Secondly, as I know, minimum payout here is $1.50. To reach that, you need 30.000 unique clicks to your PTP link. Easyhits4u have 20 seconds timer. have 30 seconds timer. They are not TEs with 3 seconds timer where members do not looking ads. Personally, I used Easyhits4u to promote something, and from 1000 clicks always get minimum 1 referral.

Ask Your friend if he got 0 referrals from 30000 clicks , then that is a trash traffic and violates the YGP TOS..


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