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All great things start small.

Started by jaguar16000 2013-12-30 at 18:34
2 replies to this topic
Posts: 61
I have just purchased my first Share pack and I'm happy with because I feel that YouGetProfit will have a brillant futur, I see it's going slow but sure and strong, that's how Great things can be built.
Happy new year
Posts: 34
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Balance: $2.85510
Referrals: 25
Congrats, Jaguar.

I would like "You Get Profit" to last very long and create history and prove to others
that yes, with proper planning, this kind of business can be sustainable.

Happy new year to everyone....
Posts: 154
Received: $2723.55600
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Quote: jaguar16000
I have just purchased my first Share pack and I'm happy with because I feel that YouGetProfit will have a brillant futur, I see it's going slow but sure and strong, that's how Great things can be built.
Happy new year


I am on share #9 and am about $8 from buying share #10! With that I'll also have enough points to upgrade. Then I can start buying more shares and continue the compound growth curve of success!

Thank you YGP!


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